Sam DiNicola Digital

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How to Create and Leverage Kickass Content

Creating content consistently is fucking hard… there I said it.

We’re told that we need to be posting to Instagram every day and we need to be posting IG stories multiple times per day but we also need to be on Pinterest and oh by the way you HAVE to be on Facebook and what about LinkedIn?

But don’t forget you need to write a few blog posts per month and what about your email newsletter? I’m exhausted just thinking about it. 

The reality is, while you COULD spend all of your time creating all of that content, you wouldn’t have the time or energy left over to actually focus on making sales. You can produce LESS content and get BETTER results. How? By knowing HOW and WHERE to connect with your ideal customers online. 

If your ideal customer isn’t spending any time on LinkedIn, then why would you waste your time and energy creating content for that platform? Figure out where they’re spending their time then focus on creating content for that platform. 

In addition to that, it’s important to remember that just because you share multiple pieces of content per week on multiple platforms, it does NOT mean you should be creating CUSTOM content for all of those platforms. The idea of writing multiple social media posts, stories, a blog, and emails sounds like a lot. But you don’t need to create new content for each platform. Instead, you should be re-purposing ONE idea into multiple pieces of content. This will save you HOURS on content creation while helping you to be MORE visible online. The best part is, you can start with short-form content and transform it into long-form content or vice versa, depending on how you like to create. 

Speaking of content, are you creating the content you THINK is interesting? It’s easy to blame the fact that your content isn’t getting the engagement you want, or blaming “the algorithm,” but what if your content just isn’t any good? I’m not talking about misspellings or grammatical errors… I’m talking about your content not resonating with your ideal clients. Is your content something that your ideal client would find interesting and valuable? It doesn’t really matter what you want to create, it matters what is going to resonate with your audience. Your content should be SO relevant to your target audience that they read or watch it and think you must be a mind reader because it’s EXACTLY what they needed to hear. I challenge you to do a quick audit of your recent content and ask yourself, is this actually valuable to my ideal client?

What if there was a way to use your content to get more leads RIGHT NOW? Well, there is. You could create the content and post it then wait for your ideal client to see it and contact you, but I can guarantee that the leads will flow in a lot slower. Leveraging your content isn’t about posting and ghosting, it’s making sure your target audience is actually seeing it. 

How to leverage your content more effectively:

  • Make sure it’s discoverable by using hashtags

  • Share it in more than one place, not just to your feed. Share it in Facebook groups, in Pinterest group boards, and with others’ audiences (with permission)

  • Reference it. When you’re commenting on someone else’s post, tell them you have content relevant to their question or problem and tell them where to find it. 

Are you leveraging your content? Or are you posting and ghosting?

Scrolling through your feed is NOT how you should be engaging on social media. 

When people talk about how many leads they get from social media, it’s NOT from scrolling and commenting on posts from people they already follow.

Here’s how you SHOULD be engaging on social:

  • Find hashtags that your target audience is using, look at the most recent posts using that hashtag and comment/like the relevant posts. 

  • Comment and like posts from the ideal customers who are already following you, keep them engaged and start building a relationship with them!

  • Look at the users who are following leaders in your industry or other businesses similar to yours and engage with their content. 

THAT is how you grow your audience and get more ideal customers seeing your content. 

Want my exact blueprint for making content creation EASY and an action plan for EXACTLY how to leverage your content to get more sales? Learn about how my Digital Strategy Intensive can help.

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