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Hustle Profile - Allie Hunt

It's International Women's Day and I am freakin' pumped to feature a pretty amazing lady in this month's Hustle Profile. Allie Hunt is truly an entrepreneur at heart. She recently left the corporate world and moved to L.A. to start a new skincare line! She's brave, and fierce, and creative and I'm so excited to share her story with all of you.

Tell me about yourself.

Real talk, I’ve had quite the career journey so far. I’ve jumped around a bit - which some people will tell you is a professional no no - but it’s majorly worked in my favor and lead me to where I am now. Within the past 7 years, I have worked in the travel, food, tech, and beauty industries - from PR to production to marketing. It’s been a whirlwind, but loaded with countless eye-opening learning lessons and experiences. I’m 28 and new Los Angeles resident. 5 months! After living in NYC for six and a half years. I was ready for a new journey - ready to challenge myself in a new city. The weather may have also had a little to do with it, admittedly. I’m midwest (Indiana) born and raised, but consider myself a true New Yorker at heart, with a restless energy for travel and new experiences. And meeting new people. All of this is what lead me to being part of a passionate team of people with a mission to start a badass new skincare line.

What made you want to start your new business?

I love change. Mainly because of the challenges you face and the knowledge that comes with getting out of your comfort zone and embracing new experiences. Starting a business and a brand from the ground-up is one hell of a challenge, and I knew I was ready - with my professional skills, yes, but also mentally - to do this. After working in the beauty industry for 4 years, and becoming infatuated with the science and innovation in skincare, everything just made sense. So here I am, a couple months away from launch :)

Do you consider yourself an entrepreneur?

I have an entrepreneurial spirit, for sure. I feel like I have a new idea every day, and am motivated by making things happen. However, I do rely on (and work best with) collaboration and teamwork, and my new business is with an incredible team of people. We’re all making this happen together.

When did you say ok, I can call myself a business owner now? What happened for you to give yourself that recognition?

The moment I agreed to leave the corporate world and start a brand new business. That was an incredibly empowering feeling.

How do you balance starting your business with other parts of your life?

Right now, it fits my lifestyle to a T. I just moved to LA so I’m still in exploration mode, which is great energy for my inspiration and creativity when it comes to my business. The synergy is awesome.

What specifically do you find most difficult about balancing launching this business and everything else?

What I’m trying to get better at is landing on solid business decisions. I’m an indecisive person and constantly conjuring up new ideas, so being confident and solid with making brand decisions is definitely challenging. I’ve learned to go with my gut, my vision, and pair it with what works best in the market as a whole.

How can you tell when you’re stretching yourself too thin and you need to pull back to take a break? What do you do when you’re feeling that way?

I’m very in tune with my body and how it responds to stress. I know that if I feel super fatigued, it’s time to take a step back before taking a step forward. Checking in with myself is something I’ve made a habit of doing. Simple, but life changing. When I feel overwhelmed, I give myself a slow day. Cutting yourself a little slack makes all the difference. I never glorify busy.

How or where do you find inspiration?

ART. I am so inspired by all types of it. I go to a lot of galleries and museums in different cities (most recently Paris, London, and LA), and I love walking around colorful neighborhoods with street art and a unique aesthetic. I follow a lot of artists on Instagram and have a collections folder where I save images that inspire me.

Where do you find valuable collaboration and support? What does that look like for you?

Call me a nerd, but I try to go to one meet up a week and connect with new people. Not only because I’m new to LA and trying to make friends, but having conversations with new people and learning about their projects and ambitions definitely inspires me, and motivates me.Also, my network. I’ve met so many kickass women and men throughout my career, and I continuously learn from them. I’ll call up friends from NYC and share my ideas with them and ask them to give me their honest, no-bullshit feedback. Or just to bounce ideas off each other. I’m lucky to have that support!

How many hours do you typically spend on your business in any given week?

Wow, it honestly varies week to week - depending on my focus for that time frame. I would say 60 hours on average. I still enjoy my weekends, that’s a balancing must for me.

What’s next for you?

A successful skincare brand that celebrates individual beauty! DUH. Oh, and maybe I’ll be living in Paris :) It’s my spirit city.

Is there any advice you would give someone who is looking to start their own business?

Have a vision - keep your eye on it and heart with it, but be agile and roll with the punches and don’t be afraid of change. Change can be magical.

What do you wish you had known before you started?

That it’s OK to sometimes not know what the hell you’re doing.

Where can people reach you if they have questions or would like to buy your product?

We’re not launched, so I can’t disclose the brand just yet, but in the meantime you can message me on IG @alliehunt_

Anything else you'd like to add?

Hmmm. Not to be cliche: but if it scares you, do it.

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