Top Mindset Reframes for Entrepreneur

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So today, I want to talk about some of the top mindset refrains that I find are the most powerful and the most impactful for a lot of small business owners, and we're gonna go over five or six today. But these are really really impactful mindset reframes if you are you struggling with your mindset or maybe you don't even know but you're struggling with these things.

As a business owner, so the first thing is really around frequency. And what I mean by that is we we know every time we're talking about one of our products or services right? If you're still creating all of your own content and you haven't outsource any of your content creation yet, you are very aware of how often you've talked about a product or service or launch or webinar or anything like that. It's really easy to get into a place of well, I don't want to annoy my audience, I don't want to annoy people. So I don't want to talk about this thing, too much, but the reality of social media is that we all follow and consume a lot of content every day. And a lot of content on social media. So a little bit of a kind of reframing mindset check here is, you feel like you've talked about this thing 1000 times and you're really worried people are just tired of hearing about it, right? But they probably have not heard of that thing at all.

They have no idea what you're talking about, or they're actually just seeing or hearing or reading about your post about that product or service for the first time, and often that people typically need to read or hear or learn about something, multiple times before they actually remember it. So, even if they have seen it before, the likelihood that they've already seen it enough times to really remember that that's what you offer that that's what you're promoting is low.

So, there's a ton of people in your audience online who have never heard you talk about that thing. They didn't see your story they're not looking at everything you do, right, even if they've seen it once or twice, they still might not remember it because they were doing other things. They were watching your Instagram stories while they had TV on. So this is a little bit of an ego check here that even though you're hyper aware of everything that you're doing all the time, most people are not, they're not seeing what you're doing and they're not remembering what you're doing, they're not paying particularly special attention to what you're doing, which is actually going to give you that freedom to even when you feel like you're talking about that product or service so many times to give yourself that freedom to continue talking about it and to talk about it more often.

Because what's likely happening is, they haven't even heard of it, they haven't seen it, or they're just hearing about it for the first time and they're not actually committing it to memory yet. So this is a big thing. Similarly selling. Give yourself permission to sell, you're a business owner, you sell a product or service. What is wrong with pitching that product or service?What is wrong with selling? If you know that what you sell is providing value for someone, why is it bad to sell? The answer is, it's not. But social media has given us this feeling that we just need to like give value for free all the time, and we can kind of talk about when we sell but don't actually pitch.

Social media is very much about relationship building, which is totally true, right, but it's really easy for a lot of business owners to forget that you're still a business owner, and how do you know you're a business owner because you have something that you sell. So talk about it and sell it and pitch it if you're not doing that you're not really a business owner you have a hobby. If you're not selling, you don't have a business, you have a hobby, and that is a really powerful, kind of thing to allow ourselves sometimes to step into that business owners step into that CEO role, and really say hey, I have something great. You need it and I know that it, you will find value from it. So here is how you can pay me for it, right, and getting used to talking and having a superpower.

You don't tell people how to buy from you. They're not, they're going to friendzone you, they're not going to think, oh great, let me give Sam my money, right. They're just going to be like, great I'm going to continue to consume Sam's content forever and never buy anything from her right and never pay her. Those are your lurkers and a lot of us have lurkers on social media, but you can transition some of those lurkers to be actual customers but you have to tell them: how you have to help them envision, like, you see all this amazing free content I'm giving you right now. Imagine how amazing it's going to be if you pay me and we're working together on that higher level and you're my client. I'm thinking about you at that level. Imagine how much more impactful that's going to be for you. Right, so give yourself that permission to sell and give and have that mindset reframe on selling, isn't that is what makes you a business owner.

The other thing that I really want to talk about is pricing. This is another thing that I know a lot of business owners have mindset, issues around, especially if you're first starting out, or you're pivoting and transitioning, what you offer a lot of people feel like they have to give away their product or service for free in the beginning, in order to get those testimonials, but don't forget you even at the level that you're at, you're still at a higher level than other people. So you don't need to be the expert, you just need to be a couple of steps ahead of your clients, right. And that's enough. You just need to be ahead of them enough to provide value, right. Does that mean that you're going to charge the same amount as a marketing agency that works with Nike and Amazon. No, probably not, but that doesn't mean that you need to give away your product or service for free. And this is something that is really really impactful for a lot of people.

The other thing around pricing that I see a lot is how do I price which we've gone into that in a lot more detail in other episodes, but think about don't just think about what other people say they're willing to pay. Okay, so if someone's telling you, Oh, you're too expensive, that's okay, because if you've done your market research and you figured out what the market is really willing to pay. Overall, you're always going to be priced too high for some people and that's okay, that's not going to change, whether you're at charging $10 an hour, $200 an hour, or $2,000 an hour right, you're always going to be too expensive for some people. Don't let that influence you in terms of, how do I figure out what my pricing is and shut up about charging what you're worth, because that's not real. You charge what the market is willing to pay. And if you want to make more figure out how to increase that value increase those results so you can command those higher prices. Charging what you're worth is ridiculous because your worth is not connected to your pricing in any way shape or form. Your worth as a person is not related to your, your pricing or the money that your business is bringing in separate that because that is a toxic thing to think about.

And I know that that's a really popular thing to say online, but that is not healthy, and it's toxic, so definitely separate that when you're thinking about pricing. The other thing that I want to think, I want you to think about is boundaries and setting boundaries with your customers and your clients setting boundaries with your customers and your clients is not bad. That's not going to mean that they all fire you because you're not being flexible enough because you're not being helpful enough setting clear boundaries and communicating them and holding those boundaries are going to be what allows you to build a business that serves your clients and gives them value, but also makes you feel supported, right? So a lot of people who end up building a business that they hate end up building a business that feels like a job and building a business that they have to shut down or pivot away from because it's not realistic, or achievable for them long term. A lot of times that is related to pricing and boundaries.

Okay, so if you're thinking about, Oh God, this client is asking me for this thing again. Oh my God I got to do this oh god I got to do that. Really think about okay what are my boundaries here. How can I set boundaries that are going to make this feel like a relationship, because it's a relationship. It's not boss and employee that's different, you get to choose who you work with. You get to choose your clients, you are not indebted to them, right. So figure out the boundaries you need to make you feel like you're in a real partnership there. Then the last mindset reframe is around investing. I know so many people want. Oh, I just need to wait until I get a few more clients and then I can invest in my business and then I can invest in support in my business, whether that's outsourcing or a coach. If that was the case, you would have gotten those new clients, those additional clients already and you would have done that thing, you would have invested already.

So what are you going to do differently now, today, than what you've been doing in the past that is going to get you to that result, right, because if you're just, oh, if I keep trying hard enough if I keep trying at it, if I really focus and hustle hard, it's going to change. Everything will be better if you're not doing, if you're not continuing to do what you need to do to move you forward, you're just doing the stuff that's making you feel good, and it's making you feel productive, but it's not actually moving the needle, it's not actually making a difference in your business. And this is a big kind of mind blowing thing that has to happen for a lot of business owners as they're growing and scaling their businesses, but just because you feel busy, just because you feel productive, does not mean you're being impactful in your business, and a lot of times if you're looking at how can I actually change my business to get it to there to get it to where I want to be.

If you don't know how that's when it's time to invest in education courses, a coach, if you know how, but you can't duplicate or can't call on yourself. That's when it's time to invest in automation and outsourcing, right. If you already knew how to do it, or if you could already do it, you would have done it right. So how are you supposed to continue doing the same thing you've been doing this whole time not changing anything but hope for a different outcome. And so if that helps you and gives you a little bit of permission there. That's why it's called investing. That's why we don't call it buying something for your business right you're investing in your business because you are very strategically and purposefully spending money that is going to pay you back dividends in time or money later on. Right, we're not buying a shoe we're not buying a handbag. We are investing something that is going to we know we'll be able to tie back to future improvements that have been made. That's what investing is and that is what you need to start thinking about as spending money in your business that is investing. So how is this thing going to get us to there.

And if you don't want to spend money on that thing to get you to there. What are you going to do differently to get you to there without investing in that thing. If you're not clear on that, nothing is going to change and you're going to be in the same exact spot. So these are really some of the biggest mindset kind of reframes and interruptions that I find are the most impactful for business owners at multiple stages of their business, whether you're just starting your business, you're growing you're scaling you're pivoting, any of those things, these things will come continue to come up, so make sure you're revisiting them and you can identify them when they're cropping up so you can kind of like great those feelings are valid.

Now we're gonna put you right over here and that's fine, you can stay over there and I'm going to go continue to go in the direction that I know I need to go in and my business needs to go in to move us forward towards where we want to go. Right. And so these are super impactful and this is what's going to allow you to step into that CEO mindset, this is what's going to allow you to be that strategy driver for your business that's who you are as a business owner you have to be driving that strategy and you have to be figured out that strategy. You can hire and get support and help and learn from other people how to do that, but it's you, it's your business. And so these mindset, things are going to continue to prop up in different ways and you have to figure out how you can overcome them and not allow them to hold you and your business back from getting where you want them to be.

So I hope this was really really helpful, and I definitely invite you to visit some of these, you know mindset reframes if you're experiencing any of these issues. If you have any questions around any of this, hit me up on Instagram I'm Sam DiNicola, that's Sam DiNicola. And if you're really finding that you're struggling around a lot of these things, a digital strategy intensive is really going to be the most impactful for you so we can take a deep dive in your business and really identify what you're doing, what's working, what's not working and what you need to do to go forward to move forward step by step, so that you can continue towards that ultimate goal of where you want your business to be.

I hope that's really, really helpful. As always, if you are finding these episodes valuable make sure you leave a review every single month we are choosing one lucky reviewer to win a free coaching call with me. That is the most you know, cost effective way to work with me because it's free. So if you haven't already, definitely make sure that you are leaving a review and share this podcast with anyone with your friends with your you know, networking partners if you think that it would, they would find it valuable as well. And I will see you next time on no fluff, small business simplified.

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